Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Published Interview!

Since I started my Etsy store good things have been happening. Exciting things for me. Everyday seems to bring new success. I find that through social networks I am getting more subscribers and making new friends. Through my store, I am gaining new customers and sometimes things just seem to snowball. One night I had a message in my in box and found a note from someone named Rachel Krech. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Rachel wanted to do an interview on my Etsy store! I was so excited. Rachel writes for Associated Content from Yahoo. You can see her work here www.associatedcontent.com/thenews 

I'd love for you to read the interview she did about me! Here is the link http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5671358/etsy_interview_with_lisas_urban_nostalgia.html?cat=46

Also Rachel does many interviews on other talented Etsians as well. So be sure to check out her latest!

Bubble Gum Loop Earrings
 Coming Soon to my Etsy store!


  1. How exciting! It is so nice to be recognized. Following over from Blog Frog.

  2. Congrats! How great that she noticed your Etsy store.

  3. Wow~ Those pictures did come out really really nice! Visiting from the blogfrog!

  4. you are very talented! cute things! love those paper bead earrings! Following you from blog frog!!! Nice to meet you! ~Kimberly


  5. Congratulations on your Etsy success and your featured interview! I love your creations ~ the paper beads are fascinating!

    Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog (http://magpieonthehouse.blogspot.com/)

    I'm off to visit your Etsy shop...

  6. Lisa, I keep meaning to tell you congrats on the published interview. (Bad me.) Quite exciting! I can't wait to see the Halloween pieces and the Christmas pieces.

  7. Thank you everyone for the comments! I am quite new to this and I actually just found them! Thanks so much!!!

  8. Thanks Kimberly! So nice to meet so many people from BF.
